No Sin

They would have no sin

No Sin
John 15:20-21 If They Persecuted Me, They Will Persecute You

John 15:22-27 No Sin

John 16 Commentary
JOHN 15:22-23  22 “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also.

Why would people have no sin if Jesus hadn’t come and spoken to them?
They wouldn't have known how sinful they were. John 1:5 refers to Jesus coming into the world as "the light shines in the darkness." Imagine a group of people in a dark room who are covered in filth but think they are clean, until someone switches on the light. Until the light shines, they could claim ignorance of their filthy condition and even remain in them. But once the light shines, "they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22).

Is it possible to hate Jesus without hating God the Father?
"He who hates Me hates My Father also" (John 15:23).

JOHN 15:24  24 “If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father.

Why would people have no sin if Jesus hadn’t "done among them the works which no one else did" (John 15:24)?
Those miraculous works proved that Jesus is God who has co-equal status with God the "Father" (John 15:24) and has the right to 'switch on the light' (see above) and address their sin.

What were some of His miracles "which no one else did" (John 15:24)?
He opened the eyes of the blind (see Jesus heals the blind man), fed a large crowd with a boy's meal (see Jesus feeds five thousand), walked on water (see Jesus king), raised the dead to life (see Lazarus, come forth!), etc., and would soon rise from the dead Himself (see resurrection of Jesus).

JOHN 15:25-27  25 “But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, They hated Me without a cause.’ 26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning."

Who is Jesus referring to as "the Helper" and the "Spirit of truth" in John 15:26?
God the Holy Spirit.

Of whom will He testify?
Jesus said, "He will testify of Me" (John 15:26). This is important to bear in mind when deciphering whether something is or isn't the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will testify of Jesus, which means He won't contradict Jesus, whom John 1:1 calls the Word of God. Anything that contradicts the Bible isn't of the Holy Spirit.

When did Jesus send the Holy Spirit "from the Father" (John 15:26)?
At Pentecost (see Acts 2).