John 17 Bible Study Questions

Questions for John chapter 17 Bible study

John 17 Bible Study Questions

Questions for John 17 Bible Study

John 17:1-2 Bible Study Questions

What "words" (John 17:1) had Jesus just spoken?

What is Jesus doing in John 17:1?

What "hour" (John 17:1) had come?

What does Jesus mean by "Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You" (John 17:1)?

Why is the glorification in John 17:1 circular?

Who has the authority over all human beings?

Who gets "everlasting life" (John 17:2)?

What did Jesus do with His eyes when He began to pray?


Why do Christians today close eyes and clasp hands to pray?

Should it be continued?


John 17:3-11 Bible Study Questions

What is meant by "everlasting life" (John 17:3)?

Is everlasting life the same as eternal life?

What leads to everlasting life?

What is meant by “και Jesus Christ whom you have sent”?

So why is Jesus suddenly calling Himself “Jesus Christ”?

If God the Father is “the only true God,” does that mean Jesus isn’t?

How has Jesus "glorified ... on the earth" (John 17:4) God the Father?

Is that the "glory" Jesus is praying about in John 17:5?

Why does Jesus say He “had” that glory?

Is Jesus praying for everyone in the world in John 17:6-11?

Who is Jesus praying for?

Who had chosen Jesus' apostles: Jesus or God the Father?

Did Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross pay for the sins of all human beings?

What does Jesus say the apostles believed about Him?

Does Jesus say that they believe He is the Messiah who would die for their sins and be resurrected?


John 17:12-13 Bible Study Questions

What does Jesus mean by, "the son of perdition” (John 17:12)?

Who is the “lost... son of perdition”?

By saying, "Those whom You gave Me, I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition" (John 17:12), is Jesus saying that He lost someone that He was expected to keep or should have kept?

Did Jesus let the eleven apostles hear this prayer to God the Father?

Why or why not?


John 17:14-19 Bible Study Questions

In john 17:14-16, where does Jesus draw a clear line?

Does Jesus want His followers to isolate themselves from the world?

How will God the Father "keep them from the evil one" (John 17:15)?

Will the world love or hate Jesus' followers?

Does the world love you or hate you?

Does the world even know that you belong not to it but to Jesus?

Why does Jesus say that He sanctifies Himself in John 17:19?

How will His followers be sanctified - i.e., kept purified from the world?


John 17:20-26 Bible Study Questions

How does Jesus extend in this passage His prayer to God the Father?

What phrases in this passage describe Jesus’ relationship with God the Father?

How close is Jesus' relationship with the Father?

What phrases in this passage describe Jesus’ desired relationship with Christians?

So, how close is Jesus’ desired relationship with Christians?

How close are most "Christians'" desired relationship with Jesus?

What does Jesus pray for among Christians?

What is the enabler of it?

How can “glory” do that?

What did the apostles eventually do with "glory"?

Why are there so many factions within Christianity today?

How can we tell if a group is truly Christian or how far a Christian group has gone astray?

Which beliefs and practices of your church are absent from it?
