To whom is Jesus speaking?
The “you” (John 10:1) is plural.
This is the continuation of Jesus' words to the Pharisees recorded at the end of
John chapter 9 (see
Lord, I believe!). Jesus is beginning to speak to them using an analogy.
Who is the “thief and a robber” (John 10:1) in this
Satan or those who work for Satan.
Who are the “shepherd” and the “sheep” (John 10:2)?
Jesus is the shepherd and His followers are the sheep.
Who is the “doorkeeper” (John 10:3)?
Pastors, elders and other Christian leaders who are supposed to guard and protect Jesus' followers on His behalf.
How much of the depiction above is figurative and how much
of it is literal?
All of it is literal. Jesus is describing a sheepfold in a town, where the
sheep of the shepherds visiting the town are kept together. When a shepherd is ready to
leave the town, he returns to the sheepfold and calls out his sheep, who
recognize his voice and follow him out through the gate, which the doorkeeper
opens. Individual flocks in the region were not thousands of animals but
small enough for the shepherds to know their sheep individually and even
name them like we name our pets today.
Does the shepherd go before or after his sheep?
“Before” (John 10:4).
What does that express?
HIs confidence that his sheep “know his voice”
and will “follow him” (John 10:4).
How will his sheep react when “strangers” (John 10:5)
try to lead them?
They will not confuse the “voices of strangers”
with the voice of their shepherd, and will “flee from”
(John 10:5) the strangers.
What does this mean for the “Christians” who listen to
and follow after false prophets?
They are not Jesus' sheep.
What was Jesus' message to the unbelieving Pharisees?
Their inability to
hear or follow Him
shows that they don't belong to God.
Did they understand His message?
“They did not understand what it was that He was saying
to them” (John 10:6).
So, what does Jesus do next?
See next page.