Acts 4 Bible Study Questions

Questions for Acts chapter 4 Bible study

Acts 4 Bible Study Questions

Questions for Acts 4 Bible Study

Acts 4:1-10 Bible Study Questions

Who are "they" (Acts 4:1) and where were they?

Who is the "captain of the temple" (Acts 4:1)?

Who are the "Sadducees" (Acts 4:1)?

Why would they be "greatly disturbed" (Acts 4:2) by Peter's message?

What was the result of Peter's message?

What happened to Peter and John?

Who had gathered "on the next day" (Acts 4:5)?

Wasn't Caiaphas the high priest?

Who are "John and Alexander" (Acts 4:6)?

Why did they ask, "By what power or by what name have you done this (Acts 4:7)?"

Did Peter and John have cause for concern?

Does Peter mince words or try to sugarcoat his response?

Who is empowering Peter?


Acts 4:11-12 Bible Study Questions

What is "the chief cornerstone" (Acts 4:11)?

How important was the chief cornerstone?

Who is the "stone ... which has become the chief cornerstone"?

Is this analogy appropriate?

How does the chief cornerstone being improperly set jeopardize one's faith?

Who are the "builders" (Acts 4:11), and why did they reject the chief cornerstone?

Does this still happen today?

Why isn't "there salvation in any other" (Acts 4:12) person than Jesus?

Why could nobody else do what Jesus did?

Why doesn't Satan point to a dog or a cat and tell people, "You can be saved by believing in that"?

So whom does Satan point to and tell people to believe to be saved?


Acts 4:13 Bible Study Questions

Who were "uneducated" (Acts 4:13)?

Who were "untrained" (Acts 4:13) in religious matters?

So what right did they have to challenge the most educated and the best trained religious leaders in their nation?

Who appoints and gifts people to teach about God (see 1 Corinthians 12)?

If God has not appointed or empowered a person to teach about Him, should that person be educated by humans to teach about Him?

If a person has been appointed and empowered by God to teach about Him, does that person need educational degrees to teach about Him?

What do most churches require their pastors to have attained?

How Biblical is this requirement and wat should be done about it?


Acts 4:14-22 Bible Study Questions

Who stood with Peter and John?

What effect did the healed lame man standing with them have?

Where had the healed lame man spent the night?

What example does the healed lame man set?

What should the Jewish religious leaders do?

Did the Jewish religious leaders claim to speak for or against God?

Who claims to speak for God today?

Is it "right in the sight of God to listen to" them "more than to God" (Acts 4:19)?

What must every Christian read for themselves to know when they say things that contradict God?


Acts 4:23-31 Bible Study Questions

What did the companions of Peter and John first acknowledge?

What do they cite next in Acts 4:25-26?

And what do they indicate in Acts 4:27?

What is reaffirmed in Acts 4:28?

What don't they ask for in Acts 4:29-30?

How soon did God answer their prayer?

When facing persecution, do you pray for it to decrease or for the Lord to empower you to serve Him through it?


Acts 4:32-35 Bible Study Questions

How united were the thousands of new Christian converts?

Were they so united only in words?

Who prayed for them to be so united?

Were they selling off things that they didn't really need?

Who sold even their own homes?

Where did they bring the proceeds?

Did those who received the proceeds keep it for themselves?

But isn't homeownership a basic need?

What is the result of not being content with food and clothing today?

"But I worked hard for my house?"

What is the consequence of neglecting any Christian in need (see Matthew 25)?

Why don't pulpits preach this today?

Should pulpits preach what God said that offends sinners?


Acts 4:36-37 Bible Study Questions

Who is "Barnabas" (Acts 4:36)?

What does "Barnabas" mean?

Did the apostles rename him as such because he sold his land and brought the money?

Did Barnabas continue to live up to his new name?

What did the "apostles" (Acts 4:37) do with the money Barnabas laid at their feet?

How much money flows from the 'haves' to the 'have nots' in your church?

Did the apostles do anything to recognize or reward Barnabas for bringing a sizeable sum of money to them?

Did Jesus ever commend anyone for making a large offering (see Luke 21)?

Which does your church appreciate more: large offerings or offerings that are large in proportion to assets?
