John 21 Bible Study Questions

Questions for John chapter 21 Bible study

John 21 Bible Study Questions

Questions for John 21 Bible Study

John 21:1-3 Bible Study Questions

Where is the "Sea of Tiberias" (John 21:1)?

Who is "Nathanael of Cana" (John 21:2)?

So, how many of Jesus' apostles "were together" (John 21:2)?

Why were they there (see Matthew 28)?

Where were the other four apostles?

Why did they go "fishing" (John 21:3)?


John 21:4-8 Bible Study Questions

Why didn’t they recognize Jesus when He called out to them?

What else may have kept them from recognizing Jesus?

Who shouted, “It is the Lord! (John 21:7)”

How was he able to see Jesus?

Then how did he know that it was the Lord (see Luke 5)?

How did Peter react to John's declaration, “It is the Lord!" (John 21:7)?

Why did he at least put on his outer garment?

What do John and Peter’s reactions remind you of?

What is especially commendable about Peter being the one to try to get to Jesus first?

What example does Peter set for us (see 1 John 1)?


John 21:9-14 Bible Study Questions

How many "large fish" (John 21:11) did they catch?

So who provided the food for the breakfast?

What does "one hundred and fifty-three" (John 21:11) imply?

Were most of the 153 fish released after they were counted?

Did Jesus and His disciples eat all of the fish?

Then who ate most of the fish?

What had Peter and the others who were experienced fishermen caught before Jesus showed up?

What lesson is there for us and the so-called 'modern' techniques of evangelism?


John 21:15-17 Bible Study Questions

What does Jesus call Peter?

Why do you think Jesus called him that?

What does Jesus ask Peter?


How many times did Jesus ask Peter?

Why did Jesus repeat the same question three times?

Are Jesus’ questions exactly the same?

What are His three questions to Peter?

Who are the “these” in John 21:15?

Why would Jesus ask Peter if he loves Him more than them (see Matthew 26)?

Are the second and the third questions same or different?

So what really is happening?


John 21:18-25 Bible Study Questions

What is Jesus telling Peter in John 21:18-19?

How did he die?

So, after being reinstated, does Peter shape up?

Who was Peter referring to with, "But Lord, what about this man?" (John 21:21)

How much of an exaggeration is in John 21:25?
